Top things to know about choosing wallpaper:
When choosing the right wallpaper for your home, there are quite a few factors you need to consider. Wallpaper is more than just decoration: it can help set the tone and atmosphere of your abode. So whether you're looking for something neutral for an office or a comfortable ambiance for your living space, the right wallpaper can make or break a space. Choosing the best wallpaper could make all the difference in your living space and add a level of comfort and convenience that keeps guests coming back for more!
Before you choose a wallpaper, it's important to consider the setting and layout of your home.
Wallpaper works best when applied in a room where it can be seen from all angles. For instance, if you want something that will create a calming atmosphere for your bedroom, you might want to choose a soft floral pattern. On the other hand, maybe you want something that will help make your living room feel more festive, so you might prefer something with lots of bright colors and patterns. If you have doubts about which patterns would fit best in your home, take some pictures to use as reference points.
Another thing to consider is how much wall space you have at your disposal. Wallpaper typically comes in rolls measuring anywhere from 4-13 feet long. Make sure to take the proper measurements to calculate exactly how much wallpaper you'll need for your space. Finally, before buying anything, it's always important to read reviews on products online—don't forget about those!
Choosing the right wallpaper all depends on your personal needs. If you plan to have your wallpaper up for years and want to hire someone to install it, traditional wallpaper might be for you. On the other hand, if you're not sure you’re ready to fully commit yet, but you feel like tackling a DIY, try using removable wallpaper. While removable wallpaper isn't as cheap as some people might think, it's usually still the least expensive option compared to traditional wallpaper. When deciding between traditional or removable wallpaper, consider your budget and what's best for you.
Using wallpaper in your home has a lot of benefits. For starters, wallpaper can easily transform a space through its dramatic prints, patterns, or lively colors. Wallpaper is typically used to improve aesthetics and enhance the feel of a space, and we love using it for both bold and subtle moments in our homes.
While there are many reasons to choose wallpaper over paint or other decorating materials, one of the biggest benefits is that it's generally easy to apply from room to room without having to worry about cleaning up a mess (like with painting) or (depending on your situation) removal. If you’re using removable wallpaper, you have more flexibility to swap out patterns and change the feel of your space more easily, too!
We love the variety of patterns, textures, and colors in Chasing Paper’s wallpaper collections. Here are some of our favorites right now.
The Tree Toile wallpaper is part of the Carrie Shryock x Chasing Paper Collection.
Floral Cutout by Chasing Paper.
Floral Cutout is part of Chasing Paper’s collaboration with Ampersand Design Studio.
Puppy Pile is part of the Jen Peters x Chasing Paper Collection.
This Mushroom wallpaper is part of a nature-inspired collection from The Jacqueline Schmidt x Chasing Paper.
Stripes Away by Chasing Paper.
Stripes Away is part of the Pehr x Chasing Paper Collection.
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