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You may be familiar with the term 'finial' from architecture as the ornate decorative spires found at the top of buildings (usually above a turret or tower). Well, the same term applies to the decorate hardware on top of floor lamps or table lamps. Finials come in all shapes, sizes, and colors — these bunny ears are technically the finial on top of this fun table lamp. Most lamps come with a basic finial that is usually spherical, but the threading is standard so you can easily swap them out for more decorative or fun statement finials just like you would cabinet hardware to suite your space.



You may be familiar with the term 'finial' from architecture as the ornate decorative spires found at the top of buildings (usually above a turret or tower). Well, the same term applies to the decorate hardware on top of floor lamps or table lamps. Finials come in all shapes, sizes, and colors — these bunny ears are technically the finial on top of this fun table lamp. Most lamps come with a basic finial that is usually spherical, but the threading is standard so you can easily swap them out for more decorative or fun statement finials just like you would cabinet hardware to suite your space.
