Color Palette Maker & Paint Color Match

Create color palettes from an image, a mood, or a room to create a cohesive color palette for your design project. Looking for real life paint choices? We'll match each color to the closest paint option on the market.

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Color Palette Maker & Paint Color Match

Create color palettes from an image, a mood, or a room to create a cohesive color palette for your design project. Looking for real life paint choices? We'll match each color to the closest paint option on the market.

Try Color Pal Free!

Enjoy Color Pal with or without a Spoak account.


Swap out and rearrange colors in your palette intuitively.


Create a color palette from any image.


Find real paint matches for any color.

Some of Our Favorite Features

Create your Color Palette

Create your unique color palette by uploading an inspo photo or Spoak Vizi, or start from scratch and add your favorite colors. Not sure what you want? Choose a mood or a room type and let us surprise you! Organize the colors in your palette until you achieve the harmony of your aesthetic dreams.

Find the perfect paint color with Color Match

Match the colors in your palette to real life paint colors from the biggest brands on the market. Match paint colors directly from an inspiration photo or room design. Choose your favorite colors from the photo to create your unique color palette.

Balance your Palette

Create your palette and keep it balanced and harmonious. You pick the colors and we’ll automatically generate different schemes for you with our tips and tricks from professional designers, like the 60/30/10 rule.

Learn Along the Way

Find out how the colors in your palette influence your mood. Strategize and choose the best colors for the desired function and feel of each room.

Turn your palette into a full design

Bring your palette to life in Viz, and design a room or mood board using your palette as an aesthetic road map.


Try it out

living room mockupfloor plan designbathroom mockup

Give Color Pal a spin!

Make your own color palette and find paint color matches for free here. We'll email you your creation of hues! 🌈 Sign up for Spoak to get the full experience of design tools and nearly infinite customizations.
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"It's basically Pinterest-meets-Etsy-meets-Photoshop for interior design lovers."
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